Great game, it will earn you fun!

User Rating: 8.9 | Brothers in Arms: Earned in Blood XBOX
BiA EiB is the sequal to the epic but un popular, Brothers in Arms Road to Hill 30. Its not a surprise that this game is great, but it is a surprise that not much people have it.

BiA's story is about heroic paratroopers landing in Normandy during the D Day invasion, and you will play from Joe 'Red" Hartstocks view in the game. You start off in a plane flying over normany (very good cutscene by the way) and you parashoot down onto the farms below. You learn the basic controlls and ect. And you go on from there

The game delievers strong gameplay, one they i have never really got into (squad based shooter) and it is great fun. You hold the left trigger to bring up the 'move to' icon, and once you let go, the squad you selected goes to where the icon was. You choose between Fire team and Assualt team using the left or right dpad. If you hold the left trigger and look at the enemy, and let go, the selected squad will start supressing them. Once there supressed, get your other team (preferebly Assualt team) and hold the left trigger, and pull the right trigger and the squad will start assualting the enemy. It is very good, and fun to use.

The sound in this game i mind blowing, the explosions are more real then anything. The gun fires a very good, very satysfying punch from the BAR, and the voice acting is at top quality. Theres swearing and shouts to make you actually feel your in WW2. Great sound

The graphics in the game are overall pretty good, the charector models, some enviroments and guns, and also the water, look very good. The things that dont look all that great would be, say, the ground when you look up real close (but thats with basicly everygame, so that doesnt matter)

The value in this game is great, i rented and i still havnt finished the single player, there is a multiplayer to play, but there isnt that much people playing. There is a Skirmish mode, where you and a team mate plays as Baker or Red (which can be played split screen or online) and you go through a series of challenging missions.

The AI in the game is fantastic, you go to flank them around the right, they'll retreat around to the left or go back a bit to find more and better cover. They'll run away to cover from grenades and they will flank you (depending on the difficulty level)

So, i reccomend this to anyone who loves WW2 shooters, squad shooters, and people who love shooting.