One of the best WWII games & definitely The best in the series! Perfect gameplay mechanics! Deep character story!
I wasn't looking forward to Hells Highway besides the cool screenshots I had seen and I warily ordered this of the internet.
Now I am absolutely astounded by this game and I cannot wait until its sequel.
Brothers In Arms series main character Matt Baker has lost it. Gone mad from the sights and sounds of war. The interest factor goes right up from here. Seeing him loose it in all the cut scenes is not only disturbing but thoroughly adds feeling for the character.
Thats one thing I like about Brothers In Arms, its not just a macho game. Its all about the characters and the horror or war. But it completely molds that into the utterly perfect gameplay.
As in past games, its crucial to stay behind cover. However instead of past BIA games, which had a health system where you can take up to 3 hits. Hells Highway only gives you one shot before being down and out. While this may seem unfair its the complete opposite.
Enemies will blind fire and aim at you, and the more you are exposed, the redder your screen will get in a warning, before they finally tag you. This is a perfect system not only making it realistic in a way but also makes it perfectly fair.
Not only that but shooting enemies is extremely satisfying. Every now and then when you make a spectacular shot or throw a grenade it will slow motion the effects in all its gory glory. There is also the satisfying feeling of 'clearing the battlefield' as you pop one Nazi at a time.
Your squad mates are fairly good at handling takes you give to them but they can take cover in some really dumb places. In this game your squad are really helpful, especially when cover firing for you, or if you have a team member with a bazooka.
The graphics arn't as amazing as the early screenshots present but they are decent and get the job done. Nothing terrible.
The only thing I can really nit pick with the game is its HORRIBLE online play and cut scenes which can sometimes look very ugly.
Like some games cut scenes, Hells Highways can look horrible because of late rendering. It can look quite scary seeing un-textured/rendered squad mates chatting in a mid game cut scene.
The online is utterly terrible. Some lag is present, the levels feel unfinished and you can get stuck in the environments and the game play itself feels hollow. But in all honesty, the single player is where its at and it really does make up for all these short comings.
I recommend you pick it up even if your slightly interested. Its a perfectly balanced game and besides a few bumps, Its one of the best WWII games I have ever played.