Best WW2 FPS

User Rating: 9 | Brothers In Arms: Hell's Highway PS3
I played the BIAs on ps2 and enjoyed them quite a bit but this is by far my favourite. Unlike the ww2 cod games your not just a name with hands, which is another way of saying the story doesnt suck. You are Seargant Matt Baker who controls a team of paratroopers participating in the largest air raid in history: Operation Market Garden. Youll command different types of teams (bazooka, heavy mg...) aswell as tanks. Youll use a cover system similar to rainbow six vegas as in you walk around in first person but your whole body is shown while in cover ( you couldnt do this in the previous games). You can give your teams orders to follow, suppress, and take cover. The shooting is what youd come to expect. Plus if your a gore person theres plenty to be had and the camera will even zoom in on a nasty explosion and you can watch the bodies fly in slow mo. Oh and quite frankly multiplayer is just bad dont expect waw.

The story picks up pretty much where the previous left off. Interesting thing is youll see flashbacks of Legget a squad mate who lost his life in the 1st game, that haunt Baker. The interactions between characters feel very genuine, the dialogue is not all "Move up move up" or "we can do this" or "were not gonna make it". The characters have emotions and care about each other, youll actually give a damn about your men since your always beside them in battle and youll get to know them,

Graphics are pretty good only problem is that there is pop in every now and again and the shadows can appear jagged, but other wise theyre solid. the sound as you come to expect in most war games is excellent the weapons and explosions sound great.

If you like ww2 games and rainbow six vegas youll like this, the multiplayer may be weak but the gameplay and story are solid.