An amazing story mode, coupled with a innovative multiplayer are just a few of the things that make this game great!

User Rating: 9.5 | Brothers In Arms: Hell's Highway X360
BiA: Hell's Highway can be compared to Call of Duty 3, or the Medal of Honor series. I'll just flat out say it, if you were not able to controll your squads, I would have taken the game back and called it a failure. That is, until I joined a game in multiplayer. Multiplayer is fun, addicting, and can easly kill 2-6 hours of your day! I beat the story mode on casual in 2 days, and beat it on veteran in another 2 days. I am currently on the thrird last chapter on authentic mode and am still loving story mode. I don't care who you are, if you throw a grenade and it goes to slow-mo and you see someones legs and arms detach from their body, it's a good game!
