Brothers In Arms At Its Finest.

User Rating: 10 | Brothers In Arms: Hell's Highway X360
This is the third entry for the Brother In Arms Series, and Brothers In Arms: Hell's Highway is a well polished title worthy of any World War II fan's collection. The third game takes place during Operation Market Garden, and being a World War 2 buff, I was pleased to see the game, like the others, kept close to history as much as possible. Market Garden was an allied attempt at seizing key points in order to push into Berlin and instead, ended in a failure with thousands of casualties and forced the Allies to retreat. The war would drag well into the next year.

If your a returning BIA vet, or a new comer to the series, its a fresh and should I say charming game thats sure to please any gamer. You take the role of Matthew Baker, and lead up to three squads at a time through a series of chapters that stake out the story as you go.

I would go in depth, but I'll simply give you the quick version so you won't be drowned in the usual words that most reviews are associated with.

Graphics: The graphics are beautiful and breath taking, trees and grass seem to buckled beneath your boots and explosions and bullets ripping past your head only add to the overall presentation.

Audio: The shouts of German soldiers and your allies are clear and well noted, along with zipping of bullets, thuds of shells in the distance and crackling of flames all add to a unique and life like experience.

Fun Factor: The action cam that zooms in during well placed head shots or gruesome explosions add to a certain thrill that you'll make you want to make each shot count. Controlling squads, and flanking and destroying entire squads of enemy soldiers is not only going to force you to think, but at the same time makes it heart pounding to race around and trying to figure out the best way to attack each enemy.

Controls: The game handles very well for a hide and shoot shooter, and each assigned move works as it should. The only downside is when hiding behind certain walls and such, the player tends to get stuck or unable to move properly, though its a rare occurrence that shouldn't ruin your game play.

Pros: World War 2, graphics and sound are well done. Makes you think and adds the action cam.

Cons: Enemy AI can sometimes be rather dull, getting stuck among things.

A cookie for anyone who can guess where the next game next place. Pay attention to the talk at the end of the game. *Spoiler* Snow is the key word. *End Spoiler* It was a huge major battle near the end of the war.