A solid, cinematic shooter that could possibly leave new players in the dust.
Hell's Highway isn't your average shooter for sure. It's very very squad based, more so than other games that claim to be squad based. You're almost expected to suppress then flank every time you get into a confrontation. If you don't, you're forced to pick enemies off from afar with your single shot weapons being that the autos aren't that accurate, and that's where one of the big issues comes up.
The hit detection seems to be terrible. It's either that or there's extra invisible geometry to some of the cover your enemies use. In just about every single confrontation I've had at least one instance where I'm zoomed in with my cross hair at a pinpoint aimed directly at an enemy. I shoot, and nothing happens. This has happened to the point of using an entire clip on one enemy that just won't be shot. Another issue lays in there
The cross hair is tiny and if you're far away from the enemies and you don't have a 40 inch screen, you're gonna be sitting about 2 feet away from your tv trying to get pin point accuracy going in order to pick off the enemies.
One of the game's strong points is the cinematic gameplay. As much as I never wanted to go back to a WWII FPS, I have to admit this game was pretty awesome. It's like Saving Private Ryan in a video game form. The only problem with this cinematic FPS gameplay is that fact that the gameplay is accessible to everyone, the story not so much. Like I said, this is my first Brothers in Arms game and unlike other FPS like the Call of Duty series, the characters carry over through out the games. So I had NO idea what was going within the personal lives of the characters. If I did know, I would probably like the game more.
Over all for me, it was a good rent. It has solid gameplay and an amazingly cinematic feel. I will admit though that I didn't even touch the multiplayer just because I had no want to. Over all, it's an enjoyable game, but fans of the series will probably take more away from it than newcomers.