Great game! but it's lost the "zing " that made the series what it is
I'm not sure maybe I'm just better at video games than i used to be but veteran was a joke i beat it in 4 hrs tops "meh" i thought "authentic" difficulty will be better i told myself but sadly it didn't seem any harder at all and in some cases even easier. it just seems like i cut a swath of destruction through the German lines sure it easy to get killed if your careless but compared to the previous titles in the series this one seems like a walk in the park , the enemy ai is "better" apparently................ but they are pretty stationary they only move if your right on top of them,
they don't try to grenade you, or flank you, they just sit there shooting until either you kill them one by one with a kar or M1 or you flank them, while they stand there unaware ready for slaughter, both of which seem all to easy not to mention the tank levels which are boring and easy as eating jello
I remember some levels on "earned in blood" on authentic, heck even veteran or normal that felt like they were impossible but once you did beat it it was immensely satisfying and 'hells highway' just doesn't have that level of difficulty nor the level of satisfaction of completing an objective/
as for the multiplayer i personally just pretend it doesn't exist it's laggy unimaginative and all in all a TOTAL let down compared to "earned in blood" and "road to hill 30" ignore it entirely.
in short, if your a fan of the series defiantly give this game a play through the story/ character development is great and the action is intense,
but don expect the hellish yet immensely satisfying difficulties of it's older brethren that hardcore fps like me crave.