It's not just a game, it's an experience.
User Rating: 9.3 | Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30 XBOX
First of all, let me say I'm a quite a WWII enthusiast. My father and uncle served during the war, so anything on that subject is of interest to me. With that perspective, let me say that Brothers In Arms is not only a great game but also a compelling experience. From a game perspective, it's challenging, fun and exciting. Make no mistake, this is no Halo or other typical first person shooter. This isn't all about running around and shooting everything in site. This is a strategy and war sim. You need to think before you act. You need to use the resources around you and you need to be smarter than most game require you to be. But, this isn't about solving puzzles or riddles, either. It's action, very real action at that. I can't imagine it really comes close to what real combat was like for people who were actually there, but, it's the closest I want to be to that situation. The gameplay in Brothers In Arms is very nicely done. It's intuitive and thought provoking while still being fun and thrilling. There's plenty of action. The graphics are very nicely done. The landscapes, buildings and everything in the scenes are carefully thought out and planned. It very much feels like what I imagine 1940's Europe to be. The sound is fantastic. No detail is left out. If you play on a surround sound system, you'll be blown away! Simply put, Brothers in Arms is a game but also a small experience of what WWII might have been like for those guys who were there. Like I said, I'm sure it's a long way from the real thing, but, I feel privileged to have been able to experience it a little bit by playing this game.