Best WWII game on market (until BIA2...)
User Rating: 9.7 | Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30 XBOX
I must first say that I am a huge fan of WWII games and strategy games. I have always hated that in games like Medal of Honor or Call of Duty, the first few levels had you fighting with an army, then you go on one-man-army levels. This game not only has you with other soldiers, but you control most of them too! The squad commands are easy to use, and your soldiers respond immediately. The game has done away with the problems of Full Spectrum Warrior (a.k.a. the if the enemy is behind cover, they can't be shot), by having you in first person, so you can pick the enemies off. The audio is breathtaking, and makes you feel like your right in the action. The graphics are really good, but are not totally breathtaking. The single-player game is spectacular, making you feel like your in an episode of Band of Brothers, my only complaint is that if your squad mates die in a mission, unless they are supposed to die in the games story, they re-spawn again in the next mission. The multi-player (up to four people on XBL, 2 players Split screen) is innovative by allowing you to control a team in missions, instead of typical death match. All I can say is that if you like FPS games and Strategy games, this is a must-buy!