Totally worth buying if you like fps's
User Rating: 9.7 | Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30 XBOX
Brothers in arms is by far the Best WWII shooter on the market to date. It combines lots of intense action sequences, with strategic combat maunuvers, amazing cutscenes with flawless voiceovers (also incorperating 40's style lingo), an amazing squad command system, and strong language to give the charcters personallity. All these elements combine to create the most realistic WWII game ever that really shows the true tough gritty realism of war. It may seem a little to good to be true and it isn't exactly to good to be true but it is close to it. There were only a couple of things I found wrong with this game and they were 1) you can't reload in mid clip with an M1 Garand any true WWII shooter fan would know that because you can't do that in COD of MOH and it is a fact that you can reload in mid clip in this game; 2) There is a little problem with the fighting sequences they are the same over and over again it's always the same drill fire squad supress the enemy assualt squad follow me so we can flank them. After a whil flanking the enemy over and over again can be a little annoying but if you do it any other way you will die wich brings us to our next problem 3) It is way to easy to die BIA uses the one shot one kill system for you and your enemies so you can just run up to someone and start shooting their brains out doing this will almost surely end in death or massive loss of health, that is why you must approach every situation stratigically. The fourth problem is only minor and it can be foun in many of the greatest game but still it needs to be adressed; 4) even though the voiceovers are amazing and they match the characters well there is still the matter of the little black hole in the mouth. No tounges how to they talk so well? This is beyond my comprehension but I guess this is a problem that a lot of games have. For I have not yet found a game where the characters have tounges. Over all this was definatly the best WWII shooter I have ever played an dI heared there is going to be a sequel; if there is mabe these problems will be adressed to accordingly; well anyways I believe that Brothers in Arms Road to Hill 30 will give all the other WWII shooters a run for their money.