Brilliant combination of FPS and strategy tactics that truly represents squad combat in the real world.
At first it seems quite a chore to me since in FPS mode, as you can barely look out for yourself, let alone a squad, but thanks to the great AI, strategy FPS is made possible. You'd notice that aiming from a distance in this game is quite realistic in a way that it's impossible to kill anything that hides behind a cover. This is where squad tactics come in, which makes flanking and covering fire important towards the key to success. With the refreshing take on squad tactics, this game offers a lot of new grounds in the WWII FPS genre where even fans of Medal of Honor and Call of Duty series won't find repetitive. But of course, even in the normal mode, you will still find yourself reloading a lot of times if you have problems with micromanagement.
The game characters and level design makes for an engaging war story which amounts to a satisfying finale. Sound design is fantastic, which is comparable to the award-winning MoH and CoD series. There are some unlockables in the form of documentary pictures, info and sometimes videos that adds replay value too. Definitely worth playing for any WWII shooter fan.