Opens up a whole new doorway in how to approach the World War II First person shooter genre...

User Rating: 8.5 | Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30 PC
Brothers in Arms is a squad based, first person tactical shooter set on D-Day right through to D+8. Brothers in Arms will throw you into a unit within the 502nd Parachute Infantry Regiment of the 101st Airborne Division. While the unit it bases itself on is real, the player's squad is fictionalised following very closely to the respective Airborne troops' endeavours in the opening stages of the Normandy Campaign.

The main focus on this game is the ability to control a squad sized unit in battle. The squad generally consists of a Fire Team used for providing a base of fire and an Assault Team used to manouver, close in and destroy enemies. At times you will be provided with a much loved M4 Sherman or an M5 Firefly. How you use these units to achieve your goals is completely up to the player, however much reward and the least amount of bloodshed can be acheived by following the squad tactics used within the Infantry that were used in Normandy and still in use today. The gameplay is tactical and focuses more on the aforementioned rather than a quick trigger finger and rushing an enemy position. There is a wide selection of era weapons available to the player though in order to get hits, the player will need to deny the enemy the use of cover and ensure the Germans do not rob you of yours.

The main strength of this game is the character depth that is acheived through good cutscenes and some outstanding voice acting which will stand above many other titles for quite some time. You will know and recognise each Soldier within your squads and come to like them over time as their personalities are brought out in the cutscenes. As a result when inevitable losses among your men start to occur, you will feel the loss and the voice acting does a great job of bringing forth the emotions of the player's alter ego: Sergeant Matt Baker. One other aspect that brings this game to life is the outstanding soundtrack which was conducted by the Prague Philharmonic Orchestra.

Gearbox have done a lot of historic and geographical research in order to bring this game to life and have done a great job. There are very little let-downs in this title save for the occasional AI slip every now and then, however to sum this title up I can only describe it as Memorable, Atmospheric and Solid. I recommend this title to anyone fond of Military Tactics or World War II Buffs.