Fantastic games that holds up to it's self proclaimed historical accuracy with real tactics and storyline

User Rating: 9.5 | Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30 PC
I just have to say right off the bat that I truly enjoy the Brothers in Arms stories that accompany the games as they put a real face on men in combat. As a history major and WWII fanatic I found this game fantastic in the way it showed the how soldiers reacted and interacted when faced with an intense combat situation. The feeling that a the heroes of the greatest never saw themselves as heroes truly shines through. Great job to Col. Antel and the staff at Gearbox.

The game itself is well put together as far as gameplay is concerned but with a few minor AI problems. I found the game quite challenging which is rare for most games of late. Although at times I found myself getting frustrated at how difficult some missions were on the Authentic level. I do feel this adds to the reality of combat and lets the player realize the reality of combat. It should be noted that this game is based on the actions of a regiment and not a squad as the game suggests.The one small glitch that I sometimes found frustrating was that the squad AI sometimes put one of my troopers in the open or they hid on the wrong side of a position thus ending their lives quickly. I also found the tanks to be unwieldy when telling them where to go or trying to get them to focus their guns in certain direction as I pulled an enemy tank to them. Gearbox should have taken note of the Ghost Recon games and allowed you to focus your squad's aim to a certain area.

All in all this a great game with great missions and pulls the player in and allows them to experience real combat as few games have.