Not at all what I'd fun here folks, move along...
Now I was REALLY looking forward to Brunswick bowling since I first read about it online. I thought for sure it would be like Wii Sports Bowling 2 (like someone else said here earlier)...same fun physics, same great sound, a nice face lift and maybe some online league play or something. We got none of that. The game looks terrible, even compared to Wii Sports Bowling. The graphics are just pretty bland and not very fun to look at. The sounds are hollow and tinny and the pin action sounds VERY weak, completely unlike WSB. The pin physics are lame and and again, there is no fun in watching the ball make contact with them, again, unlike WSB. And what I found the most troublesome, was the longer does the characters arm move in sync with the wiimote...instead, you use the same throw gesture as in WSB, but the character on screen throws AFTER you've completed the gesture fully...which leaves you feeling very detached from the game-play.
Sure, the lane oil feature is great, and there are some other nice tweaks like the rolling of the wiimote for left to right positioning...
Guess I'll have to wait for Wii Sports 2.... :(