Brutal Legend is a Keg of Awesome with a Pint of Suck
If you're a big fan of unpausable real time strategy then maybe this part will be a lot of fun. Stages battles are fast paced and even on normal difficulty it's pretty easy to get overwhelmed. Despite the wings Eddie grows for these battles it remains hard to discern which units are friendly and which are hostile. The limit cap on your soldiers, while understandable, is hard to work with in a game where you cannot pause the action and take stock of exactly what you have. Don't mistake me, there is a pause, but while paused you cannot survey the battlefield. For loner types these battles can throw off your rhythm and disrupt an otherwise stellar gaming experience.
Graphics: 8 - Stylish and vibrant, the world comes alive with the palette they used. There's tons to see and run over in this world!
Playability: 8 - Combos are short and easy to remember. Pulling off solos is fun and driving around to the radio is a blast. Barring the Stage Battles this one handles like a dream.
Music: 11 - The greatest video game soundtrack of all time. Yep, that includes the future. It is sheer madness not to release a box set soundtrack.
Replayability: ? - Well this all depends on if you like the RTS battles. The multiplayer is a major focus of the game and after the 10 hourish main campaign the MP stage battles are pretty much it. I wish there was a cut scene viewer because there were many awesome moments I'd like to relive but, honestly, I don't know if they're worth actually replaying the whole game in a market saturated with great titles.
Overall: 8.5 - Brutal Legend is a great game. Maybe just a great rental if you hate RTS but your life will be richer for playing, and listening, to this game.