Metal, noise, blood n' fire. Tell me what you most desire! This game could be a Legend if wasn't for those Brutal bugs.
First of all, it is NOT an action game only. It is an action game with Real Time Strategy too in the "Band" or "Faction" Battles. It is actually great because you can roam around the open world like the many "sand box"es game that are on the market now and when you have to battle trough the story mode, it changes and make you think about your strategy to defeat your opponent. It is very cleaver to do that in such a good and smooth way. So, congratulations, Mr. Schaffer.
Well, in this PS3 version, the graphics are just fine. I guess it was mean't to be a ultra realistic top notch stuff but it is not bad but not great as well. There are great facial expressions and very good made body movements too. And well, it's a Tim Schaffer game. You gonna laugh out loud some all the time. It's the highlight of the game in my opinion.
So, I like Rock N' Roll and Metal. I am writing that because probably, if you are playing this game it's because it's a Metal-Rock N' Roll kind of game. And at first, the soundtrack is just great and keeps you in the mood. But after playing it for 20 to 40 hours, it gets a little heavy and repetitive. It even gave me headaches sometimes and to get the Platinum trophy and do the Secondary Missions, I just turn off the volume. Sorry but it's true.
About the controls, it is all nice and you get used to 'em in no time but there are a lot of bugs there. Minor bugs but after sometime they'll get on your nerve. In the other hand, you will manage to learn how to avoid them. If not, you will have to keep rebooting the game. Your loss, pal. :p
I'm not commenting about the MultiPlayer because I usually don't like this mode. For the trophies, I just boosted in this forum that I'm not sure if I can mention in this review. But I just hate online trophies. I don't know what they think but frankly, achievements and trophies should NOT DEPEND on others. I wonder what they will do when they shut down the servers and the Platinum for this game will not be possible anymore. It's a thing to think about, right?
And so, the "Brutal" bug, the save file bug, the ultimate glitch: apparently, when you finish the story mode, you just can't save the game in the Jungle/Sea Of Black Tears continent. Otherwise, you'll lose your save file and you'll have to restart it from the beginning. EA knows about that and they just don't care. I looked around in various internet forums and they said that the bug was fixed and there were waiting for Sony authorisation to release the patch.. Over 8 months ago. And they tell you also that this bug isn't fixable. So, you, costumer, you are on your own. It's simply that. Great job EA. Geez, thanks.