Ozzy, Lemmy and Rob Halford Oh my!

User Rating: 8.5 | Brutal Legend PS3
When I started playing this game I was like, ok there's some pretty cool songs, an axe and some cool graphics. Not bad. But as I progressed there were more wicked songs, sicker weapons and the bosses kept getting even more unbelievable. Now there are those who don't like the RTS system and yeah it's been said to death but myself being a Kingdom Under Fire fan was loving it! The world is vast, the characters rad and for someone who grew up with the metal in his blood, it doesn't get much better than Sebastien Bach and Skid Row singing Youth Gone Wild while cruising in a sick hot rod. Gotta say I was a bit hesitant when I started playing because it does start off rather slow but man does it shift gears in a hurry. I'm deeply saddened to hear there won't be a sequel because I'd be first in line to buy a copy. Put your devil horns up for this one boys and girls because I fear this may be the last geme you'll ever find a soundtrack that'll kick your ass as hard as this one. And that's a shame.