[8.5/10] Crazy Hardcore Metal game that turned out to be very fun Beat Em Up with epic Soundtrack.
Tim Schafer, and Double Fine Productions, have always been known for creating games with a humorous streak and this one is no different. The behind the scenes publishing issues have also been well documented, but thankfully do not seem to have affected the end product in the slightest. The real key here is the fact that a game about metal, dedicated to metal and acting as the ultimate homage to metal, can still be great fun for non-metal fans.
* Audio - 100/100 - With a truck load of classic tracks that were hand selected for the game, you really cannot go wrong here. Hell, it sounds better than most Guitar Hero games at times, not to mention the superb voice acting that is constantly drawing you in.
* Gameplay - 90/100 - A fun cross between an open world beat 'em up and some RTS style goodness. The latter does not work quite as well as you would hope though, but can still be fun in small doses. An ashamedly brash and funny game and one that strives to be entertaining all the way. This is a rock fan's dream and great fun for us mere mortals too.
* Visuals - 80/100 - Nothing too outstanding in terms of cutting edge visuals but the game has a superb rugged feel to it that makes everything look exactly like it should. Blood though is Awesome.
* Story - 80/100 - Starts Well and Ends Well but kinda short.
Final Score - 8.5/10 - You owe it to yourself to give this game a test drive at some point, just for the laughs if nothing else. It may be rough around the edges and have an RTS system that would confuse some people, but overall it's a solid game that will entertain you time and time again.