Really good game, but it's too short... really funny though!

User Rating: 9 | Brutal Legend X360
Actually i think is a really good game, real well made... the only problem i found is that it's waaay too short!
Maybe it's because the game is so good that it lefts you with the feeling that it should have a sequel, or simply be longer!

The voice acting is incredible, i'm not really into jack black, but it's a funny game and has some really original things.

I'm a heavy metal fan myself, and i found this game really entertaining, and really surprised with the cameos of some heavy metal gods!
Also it has a lot of good music! i'm looking forward to the soundtrack and a sequel from the game!

The only reason i gave it a 9.0 it's once again because the game it's too short!
Multiplayer is always a plus, and actually even after finish the game, it still has a lot of side missions fun to play...
Even if you already completed the game it's really fun to re-play it!

Definitively it was worth the price!