This is from the perspective of the most psychotic Tim Schafer fan ever...
But seriously I really have no idea what all the hate is on this game. I would've thought that the gaming community would've welcomed this piece of awesomeness with open arms. Has all their imaginations been slayed like an S & M demon from all the endless variations of Halo and Call of Duty. I mean, how can you say that electrocuting your enemies with a magic guitar is lame. It's freaking bad ass!!! And what's with all you other supposed fans of Tim Schafer's work. There's been a lot of hate from you guys too! Well I thought this game was incredible from start to finish. And it wasn't like the game play was extremely frustrating or anything. I actually had a lot of fun and I also thought the controls worked really well. And in terms of its story line I thought it lived up to all of Tim Schafer's other games. Especially the twist at the ending which suggests that this world doublefine has created may be the weirdest thing to ever come out of Tim Schafer's head (except maybe the Meat Circus -- that was just effed up).
But seriously, despite that the game may or may not have its own issues (LIKE EVERY GAME EVER) I think that all the insane creativity that went into making this game alone should make it be considered a truly epic masterpiece.