One of the best story driven comical games to date. Jack Black plays his role amazingly well and the killing is amusing.
The story is very involving, and some parts are again comical such as when Jack Black announces his 'Decapitation' and 'French Kissing' lines whilst fighting a massive worm-like creature. The story takes some very sharp turns and some of the twists are quite unexpected.
The characters have really gone to town with EA. The Osbourne himself is in fact a merchant, but even so he plays a highly amusing and very funny role, even as a rock legend. The headbashers are very 'thick headed', but the more you see them the more you come to like them, such a laugh. Lars is the honorable hero guy, or tries to be, but let's just say he gets brought back to earth with a smash! I loved Magnus, the guy who drives the roadie bus with the headphones, he is such another great character for a Rock game.
Combat is interesting, the Deuce and by Guitar & Axe. Firstly, the Deuce, your car. It plays some nice heavy metal tunes, even if you are not a heavy metal fan like me, it can have paint jobs, power boosts, armor upgradees, nitro upgrades and most importantly, weapons added. The sort of weapons you can add include: lightening cannons, rocket launchers (very innacurate), machine gun (fast, best for early game but end game I preferred the lightening guns), mine launchers, side speakers and flame throwers on the side (amusing). You can customize it as much as you like to find the best setup for you, and killing enemies while in the Deuece is highly satisfying, and in my opinion it is far faster to kill in the car than by axe or guitar.
The Guitar is what you will be using mostly I would say during the stage battles. This can also be customized either by adding moves or by getting a more powerful axe. You can find this out yourself but some of the combos it does will most certainly turn your enemies into mince meat. The same thing goes for the guitar but you can sometimes change your environment using this, I prefer it more than the axe.
The environment is very interesting, theres some wooded areas, amazon jungle areas, mountains, deserts and snowy areas and also swamps. Pretty much every terrain you can think of, you will also see one city area which will be ruined after an event. You will see many statues in the wild that you will have to interact with by using axe or guitar combos, I won't spoil this experience for you (breaking some statues can even give you rewards).
The boss fights are very different from eachother. You will meet a deranged ex turned evil, demon emperor intent on killing you and is very patronizing, a giant and ugly worm, a giant mansion-like monster in a lake and others including a very feminine man who has a very bad chip on his shoulder.
Overall the game is very involving and is one of the most funny experiences I have had whilst gaming. I recommend this game, maybe better to rent or buy a used version of the game as the story isn't so long as to be worth a full purchase of £40. But most certainly worth a play. Not to be missed.