User Rating: 6.2 | Brute Force XBOX
After half an hour with Brute Force I was sure that you could write a more interesting plot on the back of a stamp. In spite of this BF is a rather entertaining shooter, where you take charge of a small group of alien-butt-kicking specialist. Your small 4-man squad tumbles around on a handfull of archetypical desert-, swamp-, and volcano-worlds, that set the stage for your rampage. You only control one of the soldiers directly, while the others scramble around and cover your butt as well as they can. You can easily shout out orders to the others in the group but they handle themselves pretty well on their own, which eliminates the need for the tactical element of the gameplay for pretty much all of the game. It lets you focus on shooting away at the charging alien hordes with multicolored projectiles ...and thats not too bad, is it?