this is one of the first games that come out onto xbox. that however doesent make it bad. iv got a fair collection of games but this is still one of my favourite ones. The graphics and sound quality arre good. The game has a range of kool little weapons ranging from little pistols to butty miniguns. The characters have their own little special abbilities which is sweet and the awsum thing is when ur really hurtin your vision starts to go blurry. overall the game is remarkably good. For the price it would be at the gaming store id recomend adding it to ur collection.
The analog responded similar to Halo, which was nice. Other than that, this game fails pretty everywhere in trying to beat Halo. You can join in at anytime in a co-op game, this is pretty nice. You can use 3 guys dur... Read Full Review
3 of 3 users found the following review helpful
By radialheadfx | Review Date: May 28, 2003 | XBOX
Right at the first cut you know the graphics are going to be great, and the sound will be promising. But it’s the multiplay that makes this game rate so high. No there is not online play like many hoped for. But that’s n... Read Full Review