Other than a few little quirks, this is a very fun squad-based shooter.

User Rating: 8.3 | Brute Force XBOX
Brute Force was one of the first games I got for my XBOX. All-around it's a cool game. There's just a few little things that bugged me. For example, when you aquire a rocket-launcher, you have to hit the enemies DEAD-ON or else they won't die. That's kinda hard when you're on the run and want to kill a few enemies in the way. Unlike Halo 2, you can't just shoot in the middle of them taking them all out. You have to shoot each one individually before you can move on. This kept me alot from using the rocket-launcher, which wasn't cool, because it's a neat weapon. Another thing was the grenades, they're not powerful at all. They only kill at the most, 2 or 3 guys. Other than that, the squad mechanics are awesome and the gameplay is pretty cool. There's just a few things that hold it back from being a perfect squad-based shooter