User Rating: 8 | Brute Force XBOX
Great game in my opinion. I was one of those guys saying this game would suck to no end but I am pleasantly surprised at how well it ended up. The graphics are awesome in my opinion. Lots of bump-mapping so that looks cool and all. If I had any problems with how anything looked it would be some of the animation in the characters and the art direction (maybe). They tend to look kinda choppy sometimes but it's not so bad that I wouldn't want to play it. The game does look kinda generic but still cool IMO. So all and all I think it looks great. As far as sound I think it's done well but they probably could have put more into it. Still, crank that bad boy up on some Dolby Digital 5.1 and it's sweet. Game play is fun. It's just a pun intended. They could have made it a little more "ability specific" for each character but still gets the job done. The only other thing I don't like is that as soon as you turn a corner they (the bad guys) start blasting you. It's kinda like they automatically see you or something. Besides those things I think the game is just great. Sorry to post another Brute Force opinion but everyone else has. I guess I would give this game about a 8.5 or higher from what I have played so far. Can't wait to get home and play some more.