User Rating: 9.6 | Brute Force XBOX
Overal all Brute Force is a superp game that desearves a better score than just a 7.6, despite what that dink Greg Kasavin may think. For one thing, the way he described Brute Force's framerate it seems to me like he crapped on the game then gave it a review. Also, he implied that this game isn't nearly as good as Halo, but on the contrary, this game is better then Halo in every way, except that it doesn't have as good of story or as many multiplayer modes, but the 4 player co-op mode makes up for that. Now I'd like to talk about the five main rating areas. Gameplay: This game is very fun, there is a large variety of aliens to kill aswell as unlock for multiplayer use. Also, some people said this game is not a tactical shooter, but if you want all your squad members to survive, or just want to get through the game alive when playing it on brutal, it becomes a tactical shooter. Co-op and deathmatch is also very fun. Honestly the only thing that could of made the gameplay better is drivable vehicals, who cares about Xbox Live, Halo is not online enabaled and no one cares. Graphics: This game is gorgouse, wheather it be the amazing textures, the natural looking enviroments, the bump maping on virtualy every thing, or the light effects; this game's graphics surpass Halo's. Also, the framerate is as smooth as butter in every level and in co-op, despite what Greg Kasavin says. Also the animation is superp. Sound: This game has great sound, you can hear everything, grass crunching, birds chirping, explosions, voices, and gun fire. There are a few weak sounding guns though, but who cares, not every gun in real life sounds tough. The only thing the sound needs is some suspenful music like in Halo. Value: This game rarely gets boring and there is always something you can go back and improve in each level. I'm sure people will be grinding on this game all the way until Halo 2 comes out. Tilt: This game's action and tight controles is what helps here. There's always things to destroy or creatures to kill and the idea of using Halo's controle skeem was geniuse. Also this game actually allows you to see where characters put their weapons when not in use, which is rarely seen in shooters. Lastly, this game is as good as Halo, if not better, and should go down in history as one of Xbox's best shooters.