One of those purchases you'll feel dumb about years down the road.

User Rating: 2 | Bubble Bobble Evolution PSP
Having made the decision to purchase a PSP, I figured I'd need some games to play. For some reason, Bubble Bobble Evolution jumped out at me. "Bubble Bobble? Dude, I had that on the NES! That was one of the best games ever produced on that system! Even if this is anything remotely like it, it'll be sweet."

So I make the purchase, take it home, and pop it in the system. Much to my surprise and horror, the game is absolutely nothing like the old school games of my youth. Nothing.

Now that wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing if the game was still fun in any way, but.. they failed miserably to provide any sort of enjoyment. I really don't know how to describe this game other than "stupid". The first level involves going through doors and flipping switches to move on to the next, and soon you are face to face with an ugly boss of sorts. The controls for fighting the boss are just horrendous and it took me a good ten minutes of basically button mashing to kill the dumb thing. The boss wasn't hard; I knew what I was -supposed- to do, but it just didn't work.

The next day, I was in the store lamenting about how bad this game was and trading it in for some credit. I picked up Puzzlequest in its stead, which, thankfully made the whole ordeal worth the trouble. Though the scars will stay with me forever.