Bubble Bobble Revolution fixed! Faulty copies replaced by company! It's not that bad of a game after all.
The game comes with the original Bubble Bobble (which is, oddly enough the option that is highlighted by default when you start the game) and the new version. The classic version is pretty much perfect. The new version is fun, but i guess not quite as fun as the original. Something is missing, i guess. I got stuck on a level for a long period of time because I didn't realize that I was supposed to blow into the microphone to make a fan blow, thus elevating some lightning bolts to a enemy striking level. The graphics are fine, nothing spectacular, but not bad. The split in the middle of the screen is pretty distracting. Oh, and the bosses... pretty much a single line of programming to make his moves. I think they just go straight, and sometimes they fall in a hole. Some fly, so I guess they have 2 lines of code or so. But who plays Bubble Bobble for bosses?
Overall I'd like to say that this game is a good bargen game for someone who likes Bubble Bobble already and wants a portable version. The new version is definitely worth playing. It is not a fantastic game, but I wish Gamespot would at least lift the score to a 6 or 6.5.