Play this game, or cut my arm off. Lets see, I can live with one arm right?
So now, I start a new game saying to myself," lots of games have horrible stories, no big deal." The graphics are horrible!!The music is some annoying tune from a commercial or cartoon. The game starts and all I see are blocky mountain-thingies, which consist of 3 colors all around me.
So I don't know where to go, so I try jumping. Sadly, the camera shifts right above Bubsy whenever i jump, so i can't even look around. Finally, after walking around for a minute I find this portal. The first level is done with.
I play the next level, so many platforms everywhere. I manage to jump on top one of them, then attempt to jump to a higher one. But I can't, the stupid camera wont let me and can't see the things in front of me because i can only see my character jumping. After a few attempts, I get dizzy from trying to do what seeems impossible and hearing bubsy say something corny and completely gay everytime he jumps. " Dude.." or "Yahooo!!!" in a lame voice over and over again.
Luckily, I was a some relatives' house during some party , so it wasn't my game. I decided to play with this kid's playstation and found this game.I rather do my homework than play this game EVER,EVER again. It's like trying to marry your dad, its pretty wrong and should be against the law.