The best video game based on a tv series yet!

User Rating: 9.3 | Buffy the Vampire Slayer XBOX
Usually, a game based on a tv series can be one of two things. It can be (a) an excellent game that does justice to it's source material or (b) a rather obvious cash in that has been developed in a sloppy manner. I am thrilled to say that Buffy the Vampire Slayer is an excellent game that does justice to it's source material.

Story ~ 9/10
The game takes place sometime in season three of the series. When Buffy killed the Master and crushed his bones to dust, she certainly didn't expect him to be returning to Sunnydale any time soon. Unfortunately, he does and he immediately causes trouble for the Slayer and her friends. What is he planning? It's up to Buffy to find out.

Graphics ~ 9/10
The graphics in this game are stunning. Firstly, all of the characters look almost exactly like their respective actors, with the exception of Angel. The characters are extremely detailed, for example, muscles in their face move when they talk and their eyes move which may not seem like much but it's an incredible achievement. Another nice touch is that Buffys clothes change throughout the game adding to the sense of realism.
The enemies you face range from vampires to demons and most are designed excellently. The only downside is that the enemies have only a handful of different character models but this doesn’t detract from the game.
As for the environments, these are incredible. The locations from the series are incredibly and authentically reproduced in the game, most notably the Library. Some of the environments aren’t that accurate but they are close enough. Most of the environments are dark and dank, though not in a repetitive way, and capture the dark essence of the show excellently. Admittedly, there are a number of basement areas that are far from exciting but bear with them as there are some other incredible areas later on, most notably the Sunken Church.

Sound ~ 10/10
Sound-wise, the game shines in the voice department as not only do all of the actors voice their respective characters, excluding Sarah Michelle Gellar, but the witty banter between characters is present. Xander and Cordelia argue and insult one another throughout the game and Buffy is her usual quipping self and frequently says some witty comments while fighting. Even the enemies have some witty comments they like to say, though their repertoire of quips is usually limited to “Chick Fight” or “You can’t win, Slayer. There’s loads of us and only one of you”.

Controls ~ 9/10
The controls in this game are excellent. The left thumbstick controls Buffy while the right thumbstick moves the camera. The A button is kick, the B button is jump, the X button is punch and the Y button is used for general actions such as opening doors, picking up objects, etc. Combat or general movement is never a problem as the controls respond quickly.

Gameplay ~ 10/10
Combat in this game is excellent. Buffy has an impressive array of moves that she can use in combat against her enemies and all of these moves are easily performed thanks to the excellent controls. Buffy can also wield weapons but the most notable is the stake which is an essential tool for killing vampires. You do not die when your health bar is depleted, instead your enemies must perform a special move to finish you off. Throughout the game you will find crystals that Willow can use to increase your health and energy. Each of Buffy's enemies have different weaknesses that need to be exploited in order to kill them. Her enemies also have an impressive array of moves so button mashing is out of the question.
There are some puzzles elements in the game, though none are too taxing on the brain as most consist of searching for a switch or a key to open a specific door.

This is an excellent game that does justice to it's source material. It's combination of excellent graphic and controls not to mention the top quality authentic voice acting makes this a game worthy of your time and money even if you're not a fan of the tv series.