It's way too easy and forgiving, but it's still a game that it 's worth playing

User Rating: 7.5 | Bugs Bunny: Lost in Time PS
- Gameplay is fun and forgiving
- Good level design and graphics
- Collecting clock and golden carrots
- Fun boss battles

- Might require replaying some levels to get more clocks
- Doesn't prove to be challenging
- Some platforming annoyances

Don't underestimate this game just because there Bugs Bunny in it. Ok, many would expect a less than a mediocre game but this platformer is easy, on the eyes and fun to play.

The story isn't anything special, but it's fun to follow for a while since it explores most of the Looney Tunes worlds, such as Med Evil, 1930, Stone-Age etc. Bugs Bunny goes a vacation but he activates a time machine and ends up in a place called nowhere. This is where everything starts. After learning the basics of the gameplay, you will have to collect 120 clocks by the end of the game.

Gameplay is simply with some platforming issues. The game is very easy since when you die you get full health from the point you died. Bugs can take 6 hits, and collecting orange carrots restores health. If health is not needed, the carrots will be added which if you have 100 or 99, when not in a level you can get a golden carrot, one in each time era. Platforming can be annoying to perform but it's easily over passed.

It's not easy to get all clocks in one stage, especially since most are hidden. It might take a good deal of your time to find them. And you won't have all stages in an era at first. One stage can be 5 clocks, the other 50 clocks. So the game isn't so linear since you have to move from place to place.

Level design is good, but the graphics are a bit weak and the character models don't exactly shine. Boss battles are simply but fun. They give you a clock after you beat them but luckily boss battle tactics vary from each other, keeping them fresh. Lost in Time is no only forgiving, its way too easy.

Lost in Time proved to be a fun game without excessive difficulty. Though a tougher difficulty would have helped, the game is long, exciting and often interesting action game. Don't go expect too much from this game, but for children it's a game you must get, and those you like Looney Tunes, get this game.

Graphics = 7.1
Graphics are a bit weak, models aren't exactly great but the level design is still good.

Music = 8.4
Voices, background music and sound effects are great.

Presentation = 7.8
Load times can be a little long. Cutscenes are good. Production values are passable.

Gameplay = 8.5
A variety of fighting, jumping through holes, platforming are good. It is a little repetitive. AI stands good. Well you get to choose which levels to take, but if you don't have enough clocks, freedom is lessens.

Camera = 8.1
Ok, shouldn't cause problems.

Story = 7.3
Collect clocks to unlock new eras. It's a long story and the worlds are worth exploring, and there are some famous characters to be found such as Duffy Duck.

Difficulty = Easy
It's way too easy. The game is forgiving enough, since when you die or fall you get to start almost where you fell/died.

OVERALL SCORE = 7.8 / 10