Most will think this is one of those typical ''pulling-the-money-out-of-kids''-games.
Even though it was a few year ago THAT I played it, I still know it's quality.
And it even makes me wonder if this game would be really that suitable for young children, since it has a pretty hard difficulty, and especially towards the end.
Even though, it has the 'friendly' touch of the cartoon, with alot of characters that were ever used in a Warner Bros cartoon.
Even characters that you maybe saw once and can't even recall who they are.
There are, ofcourse, alot of levels, and since you're lost in time you start from the prehistoric time to the future...which is kinda to the wrong direction since you need to go to the present, but you need alot of clocks to be able to return back home.
There are many levels with many tasks you need to do, and you don't even have to do everything, because you can earn more clocks than you need to get back in the present.
Bugs' attacks exsists out of kicking...which isn't that exciting, but the results are pretty hilarious.
A good ''must buy'' to me; there's a good challenge in it, don't step back just because it's ''Bugs Bunny''.