Fun at times but ultimately average
What's bad? The spell casting inteface, which also doesn't pause the action when brought up. Lots of tims you end up running around without a clue of where to go next (always ends up being a tiny area that from a distance you thought woul be a dead end). Pop-in is awful, in one spot there's a basketball court and one of the nets disappears when you're just past mid-court. Spell effects are inconsistent: why is the more powerful Tornado unable to lift tanks? Why can you push some large objects yet other slightlysmaller ones won't budge? The destruction of the meteor shower is quite nice to look out, but watch out for funky physics sending debris on your skull. The final boss is a drawn out, tedious pain. It's on the same level as the sequel to The Suffering where it just takes forever. Like many 360 games it has a painful memory interface: look, if I only have one storage device, don't make me pick it, or at least remember my pick, and don't keep asking if I want to load or turn on autosave. We'll skip the normal voice work complaints and go to the story: you find out you're the cause of the whole thing yet you keep treating everyone around you like crap? While there is downloadable content coming I'm not sure of the replay value, I don't want to deal with that end boss again. Oh, and your upgrades are based on your score which has a number of variables that aren't really explained so how are you supposed to know what to work towards? And with time being a factor, the "what do I do next" running around can really burn you.
Despite all these things the game is probably worth a rent if you enjoy shooters and some mass destruction.