Bulletwitch Bleh!
User Rating: 4 | Bullet Witch X360
Ahh bulletwitch I have never been so disappointed in a game I bought for ten dollars. There isn't much to say on this game in a positive light.So I'll just point out some of the reasons this game is so bad. The main problems are the clunky controls. Oh yeah and don't forget the same annoying enemies in every level oh yeah and the incredibly uninteresting story that we have all heard a million times.This game lacks depth.The most difficult thing about this game is keeping your eyes open to play it. This game lacks the right to be called a game, For a game implies a certain level of enjoyability. This is the type of game that leaves a bad taste in my mouth. This game truly makes me doubt the magical gift that is the bargain bin. The only consolation I can find is that I only bought it for $10.00 and some other people paid 60.