A fun arcade shooter to while away a few hours.
The main character, Gray, is extremely aggressive and speaks with constant boy humour and appalling language. But whilst the critics thought this spoilt a fun shooter, I thought wasn't quite cringeworthy enough to ruin a fun game. There are some funny moments and I agree with someone else I saw comment on this game earlier who said it doesn't take itself too seriously like other games. It is what it is, a fun shooter, and nothing more.
It's very linear, but again, sometimes that can be a welcome break from open world. But be warned, it's VERY linear. If you get lost, you are doing something wrong. Take up knitting.
The guns are very fun to shoot and this coupled with the gunplay, is the game's strength. The chain grenade is awesome, as is the drill gun, but i didnt really get to use it much. Sadly, because the game is quite easy, I ended up sticking with the default machine gun and sniper for the whole game. There's no real need to deviate as you can kill everything with those two weapons. The game is so easy, in fact, that I ended up with quite a fat pot of cash left over at the end with no rally use for it. The super weapons are great but I had no real need to rotate and use them. Same ith the upgrades, I rarely every used the leash or power attacks in the game.
And that game isn't long either. I finished in about 6 hours. Possibly less.
All in all, bulletstorm is a very good shooter if you have some evenings spare and want to blow off steam. Sometimes we don't want to concentrate and be sucked into a deep thinker of a game. Instead, sometimes we just want to blow baddies to pieces and have fun.