Bulletstorm is the new shooter from Epic games that allows you to Kill with Skill. Is it all that good though?
Graphics: 7/10
The graphics in Bulletstorm are powered by the tried and true Unreal Engine. While they definitely don't stand out, they in no way, shape or form are ugly. Graphics wise this game is just below par of games such as COD and Battlefield. It won't blow your mind, but it won't hurt to admire it.
Story: 8.5/10
The story of Bulletstorm follows Space Pirate Grayson Hunt and his band of miscreants throughout many different environments. Betrayed by his former commander Sarrano they were honorably discharged from his elite forces unit, Dead Echo. That is the basic plot and I don't want to spoil anything so I won't say anything more than that. If you want a good story, Bulletstorm should satisfy you.
Multiplayer: 6.5/10
Bulletstorm doesn't have much in the way of multiplayer. All it really has is Anarchy which is a CO-OP game mode where you and 3 friends are made to survive as many waves of enemies as possible. Now this wouldn't be so hard, but there is a catch. Your team must achieve a certain amount of skill-points to advance to the next wave. Other than that all it has leaderboards for you to try and beat your friends in the Echo game. In Echo you have to run a timed course in which you are graded on how many skill points you achieved, your time and your efficiency in which you performed your tasks. The multiplayer is solid, but it is not the reason you should buy this game.
Replayabiliy: 9/10
Bulletstorm has enough packed into it to allow you to play it well after you have beaten the story. The multiplayer can give you a few hours of thrills, but the Echo game mode is where you will spend most of your hours once the campaign is said and done. Overall if you intend to buy and keep this game you will log at least 30 hours if you really want to experience this game.
Overall: 8/10
Bulletstorm is a solid game that has it's motto "Kill with Skill" lingering around everywhere you go. Whether it is setting up a conjoined attack with your friends or if it is using your leash to fling an enemy into some spikes Bulletstorm is a bloody and violent shooter that will leave you craving for more. Thank you reading my review and good day.