The Good vs Bad when it comes down to Bulletstorm

User Rating: 9 | Bulletstorm PS3
I've been checking out BulletStorm and have been pretty pumped for its release since I saw it covered in a GameInformer back in mid-2010. What dragged me in to being interested in it so much was the unique style of the game, the many things you could do, and of course, the fact that it was by Epic Games (those who made the Gears of War and Unreal Tournament franchise, for those who don't know). Did the game meet up to its expectations from me and earn a spot as a game that was actually worth the wait? Find out by reading on in my review!

The Good:
+ Graphics: Sure this game may not offer the best in graphic design but the game is still incredible to look at, especially when viewing the scenery, which this game does quite well. Usually in first-person shooters that keep the player on track like this there is at least one time in the game where you feel as if you've been in a new area before, though you're an hour or so further in the game. The feeling of being in the same place twice ceases to exist in Bulletstorm due to the differences in structures, lighting, and even characters that are seen throughout the game.

+ Sound: Besides the controversial sweary-merries that are heard almost every other second by perfect selections of voice actors (in my opinion), there are also many more great sounds and effects to take in while playing Bulletstorm. From the metal battle background music and gruesome screams of your enemies to the sound of the weapons you use.

+ Gameplay: This is a big hitter for me, especially for the fact that this game pulls off many first timers right from the start that will remain unsaid due to spoilers. All I can say is killing with skill is a lot more fun and challenging than it sounds, and there are many new game elements included with that that make Bulletstorm stick out from other games with a much higher fun-factor. The story mode is a decent length and the online mode, though rather hard to do without using cooperation, is fun if you find the right people.

+ Difficulty: This one is a tough one to rank either good or bad for the fact that the game isn't really all that difficult, there's just a need for skill when it comes to consuming ammo for the fact that being low on ammo will be the reason you die the most in this game. Killing with Skill can be a challenge though, seeing as how there are so many ways to kill and such little time to do them thanks to 'skillshots' that can only be done in certain areas that may only be in the game once or twice and are easy to miss.

+ Replay Value: On par with the difficulty of this game is it's replay value, which in my opinion is quite high do to the amount of things you can do. With all the skillshots there are to see and multiplayer mode that is just screaming to be conquered by a good team, there are more than just a few 'extras' to go for when considering to visit the world of Bulletstorm once you beat it.

The Bad:
+Sound: Though the game managed to be hilarious at times, there is such a thing as going TOO far, and Bulletstorm did that in a way to where it almost got annoying. Notice, I did say Almost, and that's for the fact that the game managed to throw in some emotional and serious parts to the game that cut back on the humor just a bit.

Other than that, Bulletstorm was definitely worth the wait and is a great game, especially for those of you who are looking for something new. If you are one of those people or you're just looking for a good game this is a buy and the game scores a 9.0/10 from me. For more of my reviews, look me up on,, and or just follow me on twitter /thatSTERLINkid.