It actually spices things up in todays:FPS,FPS,FPS,brawler,MORE FPS gaming age
It can be a bit buggy sure....but it brings something new.....the over the top comedy is great....the gameplay is just perfect....lashing people and kicking them into giant spikes or hitting them with the drill gun causing them to go flying...there is a LOOOOT of skillshots....there are different skillshots for every weapon.....There is even a level where you get a giant robotic dinosaur that to pilot with a remote control device
the story is pretty good
The only bad thing is that the main enemy kills all of your friends EXCEPT for this annoying and boring japanese cyborg guy....
There is some gun customisation....and you buy the customisations with skill points you get from killing enemies....More creative=more points
I would buy this over any call of duty game any day of the week....
Its just fresh and new....and REALLY FUN....