This game is absolutely fun and refreashing to kill with some skill.
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Developer: People Can Fly/ Epic Games
Platform: Xbox 360
Rated: Mature
Released: February 22, 2011
The visuals in Bulletstorm are absolutely amazing and the art style is great and the detail's to the environment's are great as well and there are not to many issues with this game's visuals that I have encountered and back with the art style for this game and it is absolutely colorful, bright and I will say it it is almost breath-taking these visuals are as great as the Gears series but not that great but they are up there. The detail's to the environment are nice and lush and great to look at, the detail to the character's are great but the main character does look exactly like wolverine from the Marvel's Ultimate Alliance and one of the other character's looks exactly like the guy that died in the first Gears of War game I can't remember his name but he is the one who got killed by General RaaM in that very intense and dramatic scene, but any ways back to this game and so yeah the detail to the character's are great and they do not look that bad at all. So in short these visuals are amazing and personally I was surprised with these visuals cause I'm going to be honest When I saw this at E3 on a E3 special on G4TV I was not to keen on the visual style at all but now after seeing the demo and now seeing the full game and I for can say this visual style works and that I'm digging it, I just simply love this looks.
The audio for Bulletstorm is amazing from the intensity of the musical score to the great sound effects, but I found the voice over work a little bit 50/50 and what I mean by that is half the voice over work was great and the other half was terrible but still not a total let down for this game and while I'm on this note and like what I said about the detail of the main character in the visual part of my review and the main character's voice sound's exactly like the guy who does the voice of Wolverine in the Marvel's Ultimate Alliance and X-men: legends series and he also sound like Marcus Fenix from the Gears series maybe they are the same person but I'm not to sure though. So with a great musical score, great sounds all together and a decent voice over cast, the audio for this great game is simply terrific. Oh and their is a lot of funny and profound dialog so it is not that serious and it make this experience that much more enjoyable.
Now with the visuals being excellent and the audio being great and now I'll talk about the gameplay for Bulletstorm and what can I say about the killing with skill it is fun as hell and in all fairness the gameplay is absolutely refreshingly great, the use of some of the weapons fun and great to you use cause with the use of the leash in one hand and the combination of the weapon that is in your other hand was very refreshing and very satisfyingly rewarding when you made an awesome skill-shot. The action all together in this game was very well balanced their was in moment's in this incredible game where there is lots of action and their moments in this game where you can stop and catch your breath and their is a nice mix of enemies to kill so it does not get to repetitive and their a few boss fights which to were very intense, well in my mind any way. So for the single player campaign it is really fun and very refreshing to plat and to kill with skill and in fact you could go through this a few times cause the story is epic, even though if you play this game on one of the five difficulty setting which are very easy which you could beat this game very fast on this level, just easy well is still easy, normal which is my choice before playing a game hard and since I mentioned hard I'll just mention that the last one is called very hard which is like gears insane mode and Halo's legendary mode. Oh I just want to mention that you can play this game just like any other shooter but it will not be the same cause it is easier to kill with skill using the leash.
So now the multiplayer for Bulletstorm a little weak but it's still fun to play in four player co-op in a mode that is called Anarchy which is basically horde mode from Gears of War 2 but it is not the same at all cause the only way you can move on to the next wave is to rack up and perform enough skill-shots and skill point in order to move on to the next wave so this mode is basically all about the team work so you wil need to be vocal and be on the same page in order to move on if not you and your team will be stuck on a wave until your team can reach the score so you and your team can move on.
Now I'll talk about the last mode which is the only competitive part for this game's on-line and it is called Echo mode which is the mode that you got to try out in the demo but their is a lot more level's in this mode cause you get to play this mode on all the local's you were on in the campaign, and so in case you are wondering on how this mode is competitive is the fact that if one of your friend's or even your self and anyone in the world as a better score you can try to beat it and that is fun trying to beat your friends score and even trying to beat your own score as well, in order to get your self better at this mode and that should make this mode very competitive and is a nice change of pace from all the other shooter's that are out their, so in short it is fun period.
So the overall point on this game is the visual are amazing, the audio is great, the single player is great and epic and the on-line is fun and refreshing to play but is a little lacking but it is still a great experience and this game is absolutely a blast to play and great to kill with some skill and this game is worth every penny and you should enjoy this a lot, well if you liked the gears series you should enjoy this.
I strongly recommend this game and honestly I was not even excited for this title but I ended up liking it and think it is worth the buy and if you are not sure rent it if you want, but this game is awesome.
9 out of 10