It's nice to see something different in the FPS genre of gaming.

User Rating: 7.5 | Bulletstorm PS3
Bulletstorm is a nice change to the over-saturation of military shooters in the gaming industry today. Instead of being part of a platoon of soldiers trying to save the day, you play as a badass, no-nonsense mercenary who's out to kick some ass. While I do think that this is a nice change to what we've seen in gaming lately, I do think that Bulletstorm is nowhere near as great as it could have been.

GAMEPLAY - This game is a mixture of your usual FPS gameplay with a few extra perks thrown in. You get a couple neat additions in the form of being able to kick things, and a whip that grabs people and thrown them towards you. Between these three methods of dealing damage and using the environment itself, you get to kill people in the most brutal ways possible. There are a bunch of in-game achievements involving killing people in certain ways that give you points to spend on upgrading your gear. It's pretty fun coming up with new ways of killing people and making them as crazy as possible. Unfortunately there just isn't enough variety here to keep this process fun and enjoyable beyond the first hour or two of the game. All this mostly just amounts to a gimmick trying to make this game stand out from the rest. While it does accomplish that, it just isn't as varied enough to keep the combat interesting and satisfying. - 8/10

STORY - The story is pretty basic, and nothing too special. Most people playing this game probably aren't doing so for the story though. It's good enough to keep the game going, but it's nothing to write home about. - 6.5/10

GRAPHICS - Graphics are a bit on the disappointing side. You would think with a game like this that the graphics would be beefed up as much as possible, but a lot of the textures are muddy and blurry at times. Animations are good, but a lot of the other visuals could be a lot better here. - 7/10

SOUND - I'm not sure why Kevin VanOrd made the language of this game a detriment to its overall score, but he needs to realize that this is a game that is rated mature for a reason. It's not that this is done in bad taste, but more of a way to give this game attitude and personality, which definitely isn't a bad thing. The music and sound effects are nothing outstanding, but the dialogue alone is going to keep you entertained all the way through. - 9/10

LENGTH/REPLAY VALUE - Bulletstorm is a game that doesn't have a lot of value here, but makes a great rental if you're craving a good FPS. You can probably finish this game in a weekend, but unless you like playing the single player over and over again, you won't get a lot of satisfaction here. - 6.5/10

BOTTOM LINE - Bulletstorm isn't the greatest game of its kind to be released, but it is something much different from the usual military FPS that has been dominating the market as of late. So on one hand you have something different, but at the same time this is being released by EA, who put out way too many games under their banner. The problem with this is that EA does make decent games, but hardly any ever reach the status of being great. But as for Bullestorm, it is a good game, even though it would have been so much better had it been more fleshed out with extra features. What there is here does make this game worth playing, but I would recommend this for a rental rather than a purchase just due to how short this game is overall. - 7.5/10