A game that claims itself to be a greatest hits album of all shooters but trips over and falls on its face half-way.
If you believed this over-the-top steroid-filled message and bought Bulletstorm you might be a bit disappointed. Hype is a wicked mistress. When I saw the ads for this I was not impressed on how desperate EA and Epic Games were in trying to get Bulletstorm to sell even to the point when they started plagiarizing better shooters like Call Of Duty, although sometimes the COD series never get it right...yeah I'm looking at you Treyarch, anyway on to the game.
Bulletstorm is a good game, but the point I'm trying to make is that it looks and plays like any other stand-alone FPS I've played, it does have a good points system where you can be creative in your kills, my favourite is when I kicked someone into a pylon and see him fry up, it keeps you playing throughout the game and thats great. BUT. Big but. The story is where I have a problem, the story is just forgettable and boring with its baditued characters snorting up testosterone as they swear and curse just for the sake of doing it. The multiplayer isn't good either but its fun when you really progress through it.
I give this a lot of good points but it just isn't that impressive. If you want a great testosterone-filled rollercoaster of a shooter just wait for Gears Of War 3, or hell even Duke Nukem Forever.