Enough D**k jokes Grayson
Here is why I liked Bulletstorm:
+ Good storyline about a mercenary group betrayed and exiled to a gorgeous mutated paradise after finding out they have been working for the wrong reasons killing innocent people. The funny thing is that, the culprit has also crashed landed on the same planet and it is up to the remaining Dead Echo Mercenary members: Grayson Hunt and Ishi to find a way out of this forsaken rock
+ Complex kill with skill mechanics that rewards you for finding different and ridiculous ways to kill your enemy.
+ There are 8 guns in the game that are upgradable to pack more punch and enable new kill skills.
+ Some funny over the top dick jokes
+ Ishi is a memorable supporting character followed by Trishka
+ Interesting and varied enemies with over the top blood splatter around the environment
+ In game cut scenes should not be skipped because they are interesting to watch
+ Controlling bullets coming out of sniper rifles is awesome
+ Spectacular scenery, gorgeous graphics, lighting and overall good sound. The over the top HDR lighting in the game is compensating for some plastic textures found throughout the gameplay but overall, it looked very good
What I did not like:
- No sense of freedom and extremely linear
- Weak multiplayer with only one mode of gameplay
- Ishi is the best character but overall, they were undeveloped and you did not care what happened to them.
- A.I. is dumb and they keep on running towards you although they occasionally take cover
- Boss battles are easy even on hard difficulty using the same routines and some quick thinking which I am sure you might not need
- Short single player campaign which can be completed in 6 hours even on hard difficulty
- On my PC, with a Core i7 930, HD5850 and 6gig RAM, it was stuttering all the time. Not nice at all.
Bulletstorm is the kind of game that wears off after playing the single player because there is no reason to jump back in except for the multiplayer which will not last long due to lack of different game play modes. What saved this game is the kill with skill mechanics that rewards you for finding new ways in eliminating the competition but that gets old quickly. The experience could be different for everyone. Don't take the game seriously.