Clearly payed off a lot of people for good reviews.
User Rating: 1.5 | Bulletstorm PC
When i think of bullet storm only one word comes to mind really. Generic. This game is total trash unworthy of even 50 cents of my hard earned cash. It is completely generic, except for the cheesy (whip) and kicks. You run around in an unimpressive world front kicking people in slow motion and using a whip (wtf) to pull them right back to you...once again in slow motion. Then you can do generic things like...kick them again!!?!? whoa!!!!! 2 kicks in a row man, now we are talking innovation. You can also use your gun to shoot them in different body parts, thank god that has never been done, i could not imagine a game where people could be shot in more then 1 limb until this came out, whew innovation on top of innovation is exciting isn't it? except...the only thing this game innovated was new and exciting ways to totally wreck an already destroyed genre. I pray that developers get their heads out of the rear ends and start making half way decent games. This game looks like it was designed and made by children. The only other game on par with this trash is crysis 2. The fact is consoles are destroying pc games, which were indeed the best games. Not 1 single good title has come out in almost 3 years and that is because of this crap, every game is ported to pc now instead of the other way around. Games should be made for the pc then ported to consoles, get your effin heads out of your arses developers and try to think a little harder.