Great game, a breath of fresh air for FPS games

User Rating: 8 | Bulletstorm X360
a Great way to escape from all the other stereotype FPS games like cod, its funny, addictive and intense at the same time, AI are a bit stupid at times but when aren't they lol...after second playthrough i didn't want to play it anymore probably cos it gets a bit repetitive but its a good "shelf" game ("shelf" games are what i call a game that you can leave on the shelf for a couple weeks and get back into playing it for a couple hours then leave it again but you'll never get rid of it)

so i give it an 8/10 cos its not the beast fps game out but it was a good game to escape from the other fps and to just have fun, i laughed throughout the entire game and didn't get stressed out once. I think every FPS gamer needs this game so that when they've had enough of getting spawn killed or tubed they can come play this and get rid of some rage lol... as i said before Great game and highly recommend it