Another over hyped, lousy console port
Multiple buttons mapped to the same key... that crap might cut it on consoles, but not on the PC. Lame. I cant jump but I can run/slide/climb over obstacles, and guess what, they're all bound to the same button.
Games for windows live is trash and I see no reason to force it on the consumer. If someone wants to use it fine, if not let us opt out. In the future, if a game uses games for windows live I will NOT throw my money at it... are you listening game devs?
I can see this vast landscape before me, but I cannot explore any of it and am forced to follow a strict path due to invisible walls.
Dorky sequences of "mash this button at this time" crap. Why cant this type of thing die already... it was NEVER fun to begin with. If I wanted to mash buttons at the correct time or in a sequence I can play simon says.
To sum it up Devs are getting far too lazy when it comes to pc games, and we as gamers should demand better. Vote with your wallets.