A copy of UT3...with some trinkets

User Rating: 7 | Bulletstorm PC
A copy of UT3...with some trinkets

Bulletstorm…true, a lot of bullets fly in this game!

To start with, its nothing new, has some campaign trinkets added to it. Tho a fun and fast game, it leaves a lot of questions in the air, and I'm not talking about the story…

First of all, the buying thing, didn't like that in this sort of game, it would have been more logical to just pick up weapons and ammo without the weird pod, which in general served no mayor purpose, only to refresh you ammo supply.

The weapons, talk about boring…the weapons choice in this game was a total letdown…

The slow-mo deaths using the leash and kicks plus your weapon…great fun! For a while at least…

Story! Hmmm…it's cheap and well, rather pointless, this has been done like a million zillion times! At least form UT3 the story wasn't important because of the nature of the game, but "BS" (lol-ed here) has an identity crisis, I couldn't figure out whether it's a multiplayer game like UT3 or a campaign game with a story…"BS" although a fun and entertaining game fails on the last mentioned, the campaign was too short and the story was shallow to say the least.

All in all, this will provide you with 4-6h of gameplay during campaign play…a fun and fast shooter, but nothing new!