Was wanting it before it was released,Glad I took off my preorder of a copy,This game isnt for every one
The environments look great, BUT your just a rat in a maze - it's a corridor shooter punctuated by set pieces.
The crass humor starts out funny, BUT about 30 minutes into the game your done with it - Grayson is not Duke Nukem.
The Skillshot system is an interesting idea, BUT for all the dozens of special kills, there all contextual - your ability to score these special shots are tied to whatever setpiece your currently at.
There is no jump button...I cant think of a good reason no to have one
When your low on health the UI screams at you to "TAKE COVER!" but there is no cover system implemented into the game, you can only depress and hold the Left Analog button, when you do this you seem to drift around a bit as the pressure your putting on the stick is actually pushing it this way and that, so even staying behind something becomes difficult.
There seems to be only a few good ways to fight enemies. You either whip them which causes them to flail towards you so you can pump them full of lead at point blank range.
Or you kick them and they float away from you in slow motion.
You have to buy almost all your ammo at these mysterious nodes which seem to have dropped everywhere on the planet surface.
Theres also something strange about the camera when enemies are really close, they dodge to the left or the right and there just gone, it's like the camera is placed 2 feet in front of your eyes, so when an enemy is next to you they seem to maneuver in the sort of "blind-spot void" between where your eyes should be and where they actually are.
If you have 6 dollars rent it for 2 nights, you'll have won the campaign and played and disregarded the multi-player component by then.
It is "fun" but it never even came close to approaching the enjoyment factor that the trailers show