Bulletstorm is exactly what it was supposed to be: a ton of fun for several hours, and then its not anymore.

User Rating: 8.5 | Bulletstorm PS3
Despite an incredibly fun mechanics system the game overall falls short of what it should have been. The Kill with Skill system leads to some awesome moments throughout the game, but the campaign is about three hours too long.

When the game begins you are a bad ass space pirate, but by the end, you're just a sad little man that wants revenge that he cant achieve. Well at least until the sequel that is so obviously coming.

As far as gameplay goes, the only real issue is in Act 3: Chapter 2. Basically what happens is you fall off a dam and instead of jumping onto to the platform, you fall through the map. And this is an easy fix, if you don't mind doing the entire chapter over again. This almost killed my will to finish the game.

Bulletstorm is defianitly worth the time to play it; despite it's issues. And hopefully the sequel will fix these issues.