A lot of great features here, is something to make this game a great game.
At first when I wanted to start this game I was not pleased by the graphics because it seemed very unnatural and unreal to me.Infact it looked very bad because I compare it all with crysis2.
But the second you start to get into the character,it feels so much better.The main story is very twisted and has a lot of characters in it.Also the main story of the game is very complex ,because as you continue the game you will see a lot of new things and enjoyable levels and the story line, still keeps on going.
The weapon set of choice in the game is quite a lot. you start with one weapon and as you progress you unlock new weapons with new abilities,also you will unlock the feature to upgrade your weapons.Upgrades are not that much altogether but infact makes a lot of changes to the game.For example you can upgrade to be able to have more bullets on you, and you can upgrade the power shot ability on each weapon.
Something fascinating that is worth mentioning in this game is that,for each weapon you have,you are given a set of challenges which you can only accomplish with that certain weapon,these challenges are interesting ways to kill your enemies,for example setting the enemy on fire and killing it with bullets before the fire burns the enemy!there are huge amount of challenges for each weapon which is pretty good to be honest.
All together you will unlock about 10 weapons ,from your ordinary machine gun to heavy artilleries and special grenade launchers.The good thing is that you will find these checkpoint places that you can upgrade or even change your current weapons at instant, and you can always buy more bullets with the points you get from killing the enemies.
Another feature I found amusing here is the ability to catch your enemies with a strange weapon that is like a glove and then pulling them and eventually bringing them infront of you.Now you can also kick enemies,i personally have not seen anything like this in any other first person game,i seriously have never seen this any where.Now think of all the variety of moves you can do to kill the enemies,either kick or pull and about 10 weapons to use,huge combination of moves are created by this,leading the gameplay to the top level of enjoyment,excitement and fun.
The levels are really beautiful, a lot of details have gone to building such levels I believe.Also the lights have been placed perfectly among the levels.We can clearly see colourful textures and high polygon models it is very much something to look forward to.
The enemies will change as you proceed in the game,sometimes during the game,in a closed area, you will face a miniboss fight, which is also engaging attention with the classic style.
I think each new weapons that you unlock is friendly to that certain part of the game for example when you unlock the sniper rifle it is the perfect timing for such weapon ,the sniper is amazing it allows you to see your bullet from a 3rd person angle,also the time slows down and you can control the bullet which is very surprising,amazing and fun.Even then when you have the sniper they have carefully engineered the enemies during the shooting ,because it seems that when the time slows down and you control the bullet the enemies know where the bullet is coming from and they try to dodge your bullet which makes the shooting twice as much fun.
The pace at which you move in the game is very fast and this is a good thing because you will not get bored from that certain level easily,the variety in each level also helps this feature stand out even more.
Again we see a lot of dialogs during the game but it does not get boring at all,it actually helps the player get more familiar with the character or characters surrounding him.
This game is just pure instant fun and I dont see anything wrong with it,i can easily say it is much more addictive than some of the more realistic first person games these days, which is something to care for in bulletstorm.
8.5 out of 10.