Plays like a sillier, more child-accessible version of San Andreas.
In the game, you portray Jimmy Hopkins, a rebellious 15-year-old who is forced to attend Bullworth Academy, situated in the small island town of Bullworth. The gameplay is virtually the same as San Andreas, as are the graphics, but there are some minor tweaks to it. You attend classes twice a day, which are fun little mini-games that get harder as you get further into the year. Biology involves dissecting animals, chemistry is a DDR-like rhythm game, Photography is going around the school taking pictures of designated things, and there are others. Geography is a bad one, becuase it's only matching blank countries on a map to their proper name. In between and after classes you can attempt various missions that follow the story's plot. You'll interact with different social factions: The jocks, greasers, nerds, preps, and townies. You'll encounter characters from different factions, teachers, and town residents. They all seem very stereotypical, but it's just part of the game's silliness. In the town out of school grounds, you can visit the Amusement Park, grocery stores, and different sections of town in which different factions reside. The 2nd and 3rd quarters of the game are in winter, which is pleasing at first, but makes in very difficult to control vehicles like your trusty ol' skateboard. After you complete the story, there is actually not much more replay value, only to collect the achievements. Some of the glitches that this game seems to be notorious for include many graphical glitches in cutscenes, and a single instance in which the game crashed. But one time is too many.All of the characters are voiced well, and the game itself is fun. Fun enough for me to recommend this game to any fan of GTA.